The word CONNECT symbolizing Strengths-Based Leadership collaboration

How Connecting with your Strengths will open the door to the Best Version of You

Congratulations! You’ve found your way to the right place to start your Strengths journey. It’s an immersive process and we hope that you will read this post here to help you discover even more about Strengths.

Our three-step process to transform yourself into a Strengths superhero: CONNECT – COMMUNICATE – CREATE starts at the beginning of course, with the first step of Connecting with your unique Strengths profile. 


Don Clifton asked “What will happen when we think about what is right with people rather than fixating on what is wrong with them?” The Strengths assessment that has evolved from this question is the first step in the Connect process.


This 177-question personality assessment identifies the unique order of Strengths in every individual. There are 34 Strengths arranged in increasing intensity from 34 to 1, with the Top 5 Strengths being the most intense and the place where most people start to understand their profile. 


Your Top 5 are the ones you may already know about yourself, they are the talents you’ve been leaning into without really having to think about it. Now that the assessment has given names to your talents, you can start turning them into Strengths by deliberately using them.

DNA strand illustrating the foundation of Strengths-Based Leadership

The assessment is online (177 statements, remember? We’ll provide you with a link), completed in one sitting (about 45 min). Each question is timed so you can’t overthink (it’ll kick you out & make you start over if Gallup’s algorithm thinks you’re trying to game the system). 


At the end you will receive a report, with either your Full 34 or Top 5 assessment (depending on which one you choose) packaged with all sorts of interesting information. If you start with your Top 5 at first you can unlock all 34 at a later stage. 


And there you have it – you have begun the process of Connecting with your Strengths. They are unique to you, and they tell you a very specific story about yourself and how you show up when you’re in flow, when you have just the right level of challenge and stress, when time is flying by. 


Basically when you’re at your best – you now have language and permission to celebrate yourself. 

So how do you connect with your Strengths and bring out the best version of yourself?

Here are the three ways:

1.     Connecting starts with INSIGHT, which you get as soon as you see that profile in front of you. Your CliftonStrengths® report starts the process by introducing you to the Themes that make up your profile, and by showing you how your unique combination of Strengths works together. Knowing your Strengths, how they work for you, is the first step towards Connecting your performance to them. And how does this take you towards the best version of yourself?  Because the pause in your daily routine required to complete the assessment, and then the time you take to read and understand your report, is an investment in yourself – and that’s a big step towards personal growth and development.


2.     Connecting continues with RECOGNITION, which comes when you start to notice your Strengths in action every day. As soon as your Strengths become something you use consciously they get more powerful. If you take time (yep, more time to invest in yourself) to reflect on how your Strengths helped you in specific situations at work or at home, the more you appreciate them and understand the positive influence they have on you. As soon as you recognise the role Strengths plays for you at your best, you become more deliberate about using them, this reinforces the connection process and you start to build your Strengths muscle by using them mindfully. 


3.     And the third and final step: if you have AWARENESS of your Strengths you can start to aim them. Spotting where your profile will be best served to be successful at work or at home, filling in the gaps (or building on others’ Strengths). If you can be of service to others because you know exactly how your best self shows up every day through your Strengths. If you are aware of how your Strengths help you show up every day you have a greater appreciation of yourself and what you contribute just by being you. 


So what do you need to do to Connect with your Strengths?


Start at the beginning – reach out to us and complete your CliftonStrengths® assessment to get the ball rolling. Follow this link here to contact us to get signed up for your CliftonStrengths® assessment and introductory coaching session. 

CliftonStrengths Top 5 report showcasing key strengths in Strengths-Based Leadership