The words 'Creating Cartel' symbolizing strategic alliances in Strengths-Based Leadership

Creation Cartel: Crafting Success with Your Strengths

You at your best. The world seems to be bending to your will. Nothing is too difficult, or too easy. Decisions and answers are at your fingertips. You’re having a good day.

You’re probably playing to your Strengths.

There are 3-steps to being the best version of you by harnessing your unique Strengths profile:

  1. Connect – gaining a deeper understanding of your 1-in-33-million Strengths combination …
  2. Communicate – sharing with your teammates what you uniquely bring to the world through your Strengths, and what you need from your environment to be at your best  …

… and the third step: CREATE. Let’s look at how to use your Strengths to excel.

The word Self-awareness highlighting the foundation of Strengths-Based Leadership

This is the most important step, where action brings your Strengths to life. What can you do with your Strengths? Literally anything.

If you know how you do things, then you know which tasks are best suited to your specific way of doing things.

  • Aim yourself at these tasks, or if you’re a leader aim team members at the tasks best suited to their Strengths profile
  • If there are tasks you have to do, rather than want to do, ask yourself “how can my Strengths help me do this to the best of my ability”

If you know your Strengths help you to show up in a specific situation.

  • How can I get into more meetings/environments where I can use my Strengths appropriately?
  • If I know how I’m going to respond, how can I use my Strengths to plan ahead for specific situations?

Professional and personal life balance representing well-rounded leadership in Strengths-Based Leadership

Use your Strengths in your relationships, at home or at work.

  • How do my Strengths help me solve my client’s problems?
  • How do they help me connect more deeply with stakeholders on a personal level?

Understanding how your Strengths bring the best of you to the world helps you to be deliberate and mindful about work, relationships, teamwork and leadership. If you can tap into those Strengths to complete tasks, engage with others and bring value to every situation you can approach every moment with confidence and self-awareness.

If you want to learn more about your Strengths and how they can help you shape your world and be the best version of yourself, contact us to arrange a consultation.